Our Facilities And Their Functions
Cell2 operates from a number of locations. In addition to our distribution and service point, the UK is home to our research and development team, ready to support and enhance Juluen Enterprise’s extensive capabilities. Cell2 has a well-established and close working relationship with Juluen’s extensive engineering facilities in Taiwan, enabling the sharing of knowledge, experience and laboratory testing. Our latest open facility is now operational in Spain and is our second logistics and service point, with extensive warehousing and distribution capabilities.
Cell2 UK – United Kingdom
In Aylesbury we have a large availability of completed products but also an extensive provision of lightbar components so that we can react immediately to the specific requirements of our customers, usually building and/or programming for next day delivery. The assembly process is carried out by skilled and experienced operators and the products are fully tested before leaving the facility. We can also carry out product customisation operations such as the addition of environmentally sealed connectors. Aylesbury is home to our R&D Department and Training Centre.
Cell2 EU – España
Our Facility in Nigrán is fully integrated with our facility in Aylesbury via our WMS and ERP systems. It’s principal purpose is serve our Southern European customers and generally, customers within the European Union. The main line of products to be produced at the Nigrán facility are Beacons, Traffic directors and LED Modules. The assembly process is carried out by skilled and experienced operators and the products are fully tested before leaving the facility.

Juluen Enterprise – New Taipei City, Taiwan
Our manufacturing partner in Taiwan has a fully developed and established network of approved suppliers for specialist sub-contract operations such as plastic injection moulding and aluminium die casting etc. They are carefully chosen and closely monitored to ensure that the best materials are used and the QA processes are always adhered to. The in-house manufacturing and assembly plant in Taiwan includes well laid out assembly lines featuring additional operation work-stations and all jigs, fixtures, 100% end-of-line tests and dedicated quality assurance processes and resources to ensure the production of reliable and quality assured products.